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By Ed Malik, A | |
posted September 17, 2024

A Nigerian Islamic singer and cleric, Ibraheem Abdulhameed, popularly known as Labaeka, has earned widespread praise for his principled decision to resign from his position as Special Assistant on Artiste Matters to the Kwara State Governor, AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq.

Labaeka cited his conscience as the reason behind his resignation, stating that he had not been given any definite responsibilities since assuming office in 2023, making it impossible for him to fulfill his duties.

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In a heartfelt post on his official Instagram page, Labaeka revealed that although he had been receiving a salary since taking on the role, he no longer felt comfortable being paid for not actively contributing to the position.

He expressed his desire for the salary payments to stop, as he believed it was unethical to continue receiving money without performing any duties. While apologizing to the Governor, he stressed that it was important for him to do what he felt was right.

His decision has sparked admiration, with many Nigerians lauding him for his integrity and uncommon honesty.

The resignation reads;

“I am writing this letter with all sense of humility and gratitude for giving me the opportunity to serve as the Special Assistant, Artiste, in your cabinet. Having served in this capacity for a period of 1 year and 7 months. I wish to respectfully tender my resignation.

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“Your Excellency, as you may recall, I was offered an appointment to serve as your Special Assistant, Artist, on 6th January 2023. I accepted the offer because I saw it as a call to service and an opportunity to showcase my talents. Regrettably, I have not been able to achieve any of these things. Aside from the fact that I don’t have a specific schedule of duty, circumstances have not availed me the opportunity to perform my responsibilities maximally.

“Therefore, since my appointment is based on public trust. I cannot continue to break that trust by taking a salary for doing nothing. As an Islamic cleric. it is against my beliefs, and I haven’t been at peace with myself.

“So I want my salary to stop immediately. I am grateful for the confidence reposed in me. and I hope that one day. I will be able to fully utilize my talents for the development of our state.”

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