CSOS applaud NASS over decision to probe introduction of GMOS in nigeriaGMOs

By Admin / posted July 2, 2024

Civil Societies have lauded the decision of the House of Representatives to investigate the introduction of Genetically Modified Crops into the nation’s food system, as well as halting approvals of new products pending the outcome of the investigation.

The Health of Mother Earth Foundation (HOMEF) and the GMO-Free Nigeria Alliance, in a joint press statement, stressed that the investigation though long overdue, is vital to save the country from the dangerous path to food colonialism, contamination of the genetic resources, loss of biodiversity/nutritional diversity, soil degradation, and overall disruption of the agriculture and food system.

They maintained that the introduction of GMOs in Nigeria raises serious concerns about safety, regulatory oversight, and their potential impacts on the country’s biosafety.

The Executive Director of HOMEF, Dr Nnimmo Bassey tasked the House of Representative to ensure that the investigation is unbiased and thorough, noting that ensures this, there is need for the National Assembly to employ independent researchers to avoid contamination of the process by GMO promoters.

This investigation should consider Nigeria’s agricultural landscape and investigate the underlying causes of hunger/food insecurity and as well establish definite measures to address those issues. This is the time to rescue Nigerians from being used for risky experimentation,” he stated.

Food Sovereignty Activist and Deputy Executive Director at Friends of the Earth Nigeria, Mariann Bassey-Orovwuje, further called on the legislators to critically examine the National Biosafety Management Agency Act for its fitness for the purpose.

She harped on the fact that the law must be completely reworked to close existing loopholes including the composition of its governing/decision making board by excluding GMO promoters, such as the National Biotechnology Development Agency; the lack of provision on strict liability, inadequate public consultation measures, absolute decision-making powers of the agency, minimal reference to the precautionary principal and many others.

HOMEF’s Director of Programmes and lead on Hunger Politics, Joyce Brown while reacting to the directive given to the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) by the House of Representatives to ensure labeling of GM crops that are already in the country, she said the agency will need to devise strategies to have foods sold in local markets in basins, by the road sides, and in processed forms like Ogi and Akara labelled to ensure informed decision-making by the majority of people who purchase food from these sources.

According to market shelf surveys conducted by HOMEF, it revealed that over 50 different processed/packaged foods were labeled as produced using genetically modified ingredients. The survey also revealed the fact that majority of the people do not read lazbels.

Note: This article was first published by The Guardian Newspaper.
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