By Calista Oyeoba / Posted January 9, 2025

The shocking viral video of a mean teacher physically assaulting a three-year-old pupil of a private school in a Lagos suburb, Nigeria, has set the internet on fire with netizens calling on the government and education board to wade in and ensure justice for the victim before angry people including parents take matters into their own hands.

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In the video recorded at Christ Mitots School, a teacher whose we have gathered as Mrs. Stella Nwadigo, was seen slapping the toddler hard and aggressively. Whatever drew the ire of the enraged teacher is not proportionate to the physical assault she meted to the kid.

The private school located in Isawo road, Olainukan bus stop, Isawo, Agric bus stop, Ikorodu, Lagos State, Nigeria, a low density surburb. Efforts to get the school’s headmaster to comment on the barbaric incident has not been successful.

After the difficult to watch video of the incident went viral, the state government promptly ordered the arrest of the evil woman, pending a comprehensive investigation into the matter by the Lagos State Domestic and Sexual Violence Agency.

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Many people have condemned the teacher’s actions, calling it physical child abuse. While some have suggested that the woman’s mental state should be ascertained, others shared their own experiences of children being physically punished in school for insignificant misdemeanors. Concerned parents are calling for greater accountability and protection for children in schools.

The incident has sparked a broader conversation about some bodily punishment in Nigerian schools, which are anachronistic to modern teaching methods and ought to be reviewed. Interestingly, some argue that the matter seems to be a vicious cycle bordering on behavioural patterns that require psychological study. This school of thought highlight that, in a situation where children are punished physically without restraint, they too, grow up and repeat the same behavior.

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Others have pointed out that the teacher’s actions were unacceptable, regardless of her intentions. They argue that there are better ways to discipline children, without resorting to physical violence. For now, the public eagerly awaits the outcome of the investigation into the incident.

NOTE: Calista is on Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) at DDNEWSONLINE.COM from the Department of Mass Communication, Ekocity Polytechnic, Lagos.

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