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By Ed Malik, A | |
posted July 07, 2024

International security consultant and Group Chairman of Klass Group, Dr. Sunnie Aleghe, has commented on the recent elections in the United Kingdom (UK) and the peaceful transition that followed.

He suggests that Nigeria can learn valuable lessons from this and improve its own electoral system from voting day to the inauguration of the new government.

In a press statement on Monday, Dr. Aleghe emphasized the need to imbibe civilized democratic values to reduce tensions in Nigeria during and after elections. He encouraged candidates and their political parties to avoid frivolous litigations and accept the election outcomes.

“Nigeria is historically and politically an ally of the UK and other advanced democracies, which places us in a position to observe how they handle their electoral matters and replicate such conflict resolution models here, instead of the traditional toxic post-election litigations that have threatened our nation’s security cohesion during every election cycle,” said Dr. Aleghe.

He acknowledged that enforcing existing electoral laws would require strong political will but noted that Nigeria could draw lessons from the UK’s recent peaceful elections and adapt those strategies to its context.

Dr. Aleghe believes that achieving peaceful elections and transitions, as exemplified by the UK, begins with strengthening electoral institutions and conducting constant education and national reorientation campaigns to remind the people that justice and unity can only be achieved if political actors prioritize national interests over personal ones.

Consequently, the security expert advocates the following steps to achieve peaceful elections and transition processes:

Ensure the independence of the electoral commission to enhance transparency and trust. The UK’s Electoral Commission is seen as impartial and credible.

Strict enforcement of electoral laws to deter illegal activities like ballot box snatching and election interference.

There is the need to train security personnel on non-partisan conduct and human rights to ensure they protect voters and the electoral process without intimidation. Additionally, rapid response teams dedicated to electioneering protection should be established to address instances of perceived threats, violence or disruptions swiftly.

Financial transparency is a key factor in campaigns and elections. It behooves the electoral umpire and relevant fiscal management agencies to implement strict regulations on campaign financing and monitor expenditures closely to reduce the influence of money in elections.

There should be constant education of voters to enable understand their rights and responsibilities, which by extension would give them informed moral choices on the importance of rejecting monetary inducements.

Relevant technological solutions will help to fix attendant challenges associated with the whole gamut of logistics. There is therefore the need to adopt easy-to-deploy technology for voter registration and result transmission to minimize human error and manipulation.

The authorities must engage the security community to ensure secured distribution and storage of voting materials to prevent tampering.

If justice must be seen and adjudged executed, there must also be an expedited legal process. This can be accentuated by the establishment of special election tribunals to handle election disputes quickly and efficiently, reducing prolonged uncertainty.
Importantly, there should be clear legal framework that will help, without ambiguity, to clarify and enforce laws on election offenses to ensure perpetrators face timely and appropriate consequences.

Conscious that a do-it-alone approach cannot capture the entire essence, there is the imperative to encourage and sponsor stakeholders’ collaboration by involving community leaders, civil society, and international observers in the electoral process to enhance credibility and community support.

Talking from the political will angle, the government can set up conflict resolution mechanisms to address grievances before, during, and after elections, preventing escalation.

A seminal study shows a digital and easy to access but secure Voter Registration process. The UK ensures comprehensive voter registration well ahead of elections, reducing last-minute issues.

Evidences abound to support and show that transparent communication from the electoral commission and widespread media coverage tremendously fosters trust which is a key enabling factor to achieve informed voting.

On the D-day, the need for efficient management election resources and manpower at polling stations cannot be overemphasized as this will give clear step-by-step guide drawn from the general procedures to the already well-trained staff in order to achieve a seamless voting exercise.

Overall, by implementing these strategies, Nigeria can create a more peaceful and credible electoral environment, reducing the likelihood of violence and ultimately, foster democratic integrity.

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