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By Ed Malik, A | |
posted August 14, 2024

Prince Ifeanyi Joseph Amobi will be honored by the Nigerian Igbo Community in Osona, Barcelona, Spain, with the prestigious traditional title of Ezeudo I. This title signifies his position as the leader of the Igbo community in Spain, granting him full authority and the associated regalia of an Igbo king.

The conferment ceremony is scheduled to take place on August 24, 2024, at Masia Cal Gitanet 08503 Gurb, Barcelona, a location near the Seguridad Social Office Vic in Osona Barcelona.

Prince Amobi is being recognized for his exceptional leadership qualities and his dedicated service to the Federal Republic of Nigeria. His efforts in promoting the interests of the Igbo people have significantly contributed to the socio-economic prosperity of Nigerians living in Spain.

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The event will not only include the crowning of Prince Amobi but also the inauguration of elected officers of the Igbo B’Igbo Vic 2018 Barcelona Spain and a special award ceremony to honor the community’s founding fathers.

In Nigeria, Prince Amobi is well-known for his philanthropic work. He has consistently supported indigent members of his community, particularly in the area of education. His charitable initiatives have helped many young people pay for their school fees and cover the costs of important exams like the West African School Certificate Examination (WASCE), NECO, and the Joint Admissions and Matriculations Board (JAMB) examination (UTME).

To further his philanthropic efforts, Prince Amobi is in the process of establishing a foundation focused on improving the lives of widows and the poor. This foundation will serve as the primary vehicle for his charitable programs, expanding his reach and impact.

The Igbo community in Spain recognizes Prince Amobi’s ability to lead and prioritize the advancement of Nigerian interests abroad. His conferment as Ezeudo I is a testament to his outstanding contributions and leadership.

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