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By Ed Malik, A | |
posted August 31, 2023

The Edo State Government has cautioned members of the public to disregard the antics of fraudsters who are operating a portal to obtain details of unsuspecting members of the public to perpetrate a scam scheme.

The Edo State Commissioner for Communication and Orientation, Chris Nehikhare, in a statement, discredited the scheme.

According to him: “The attention of the Edo State Government has been drawn to a link to a portal which is being used to obtain details of unsuspecting members of the public to defraud.

“The link is being circulated on the WhatsApp messaging platform and is intended to scam unsuspecting persons.

“The public is cautioned to be vigilant and disregard the link, as it is the handiwork of fraudsters who are out to hoodwink and defraud innocent people. Please kindly disregard the link.”

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