Guinness World Record Holder Who Sued Guinness World Records After Receiving an Award for Lawsuits
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By Ed Malik, A | |
posted September 25, 2023

Oddity and peculiar lifestyle would be inadequate vocabulary to describe Jonathan Lee Riches, who unarguably is renowned as the world’s most litigious individual on the planet.

Oddly, Riches first came to the media spotlight when he filed his very first lawsuit against his own mother whom he accused of not taking good care of him and he won the case, with the court awarding him $20,000, which his mother paid.

Goaded by the surprising win over his mother, he unleashed and proceeded to file lawsuits against his best friend, neighbors, relatives, girlfriend, police, judges, famous companies, and even former United States President, George Bush Britney Spears, the Eiffel Tower, and even the Roman Empire.

Counting, the number of cases he has initiated in various courts has now reached nearly 4000 and the number is predicted to go up to the limit that his weird imagination can conjure.

According to Wikipedia, ‘Jonathan Lee Riches, a convicted fraudster, gained notoriety for his extensive filing of lawsuits in multiple United States district courts. He served his sentence for wire fraud at the Federal Medical Center in Lexington, Kentucky, as part of a plea bargain. His release date was set for April 30, 2012.

However, in December 2012, Riches was re-arrested for violating his federal probation by leaving the Eastern District of Pennsylvania without authorization. During this time, he reportedly traveled to Connecticut and assumed the identity of Adam Lanza’s uncle, the perpetrator of the tragic Sandy Hook Elementary School incident.

Jonathan Lee Riches’ name has also found a place in the Guinness World Records. Astonishingly, he later filed a lawsuit against the Guinness Book of World Records itself, citing the unauthorized inclusion of his personal life in their publication. He has successfully obtained damages and compensation amounting to approximately eight million dollars from his cases thus far.

Following these events, he was invited to appear on a television show where he was questioned, “Why, despite your fame, do you live a solitary life with no one to love you?” In response, he burst into laughter and abruptly left the TV show. Subsequently, the young man sued the TV channel for defamation, ultimately securing a compensation of fifty thousand dollars.

In 2009, several newspaper reports from the USA revealed an intriguing story about the man from Kentucky. Apparently, he was quite dissatisfied with being designated as the world’s most litigious man by the Guinness Book of World Records, prompting him to take action in the most predictable manner: he decided to sue them.

Upon learning that the Guinness Book had named him the most lawsuit-prone individual in their 2010 edition, Riches specifically directed his legal efforts towards them. “The Guinness Book of World Records has no authority to publish my creations, my legal masterpieces,” claimed Riches in his latest lawsuit, as reported by The Spokesman-Review.

Furthermore, Riches expressed his objection to the nicknames purportedly intended for him in the book, which include ‘Sue-per-man,’ ‘the duke of lawsuits,’ and ‘Johnny Sue-nami.’

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