Edo LGA Polls: Obaseki Impressed With Voters’ Turnout, Commends EDSIEC
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By Ed Malik, A | ed@ddnewsonline.com |
posted September 03, 2023

The Edo State Governor, Mr. Godwin Obaseki, has commended the Edo State Independent Electoral Commission (EDSIEC) for the smooth conduct of the local government election.

He gave the commendation after casting his vote at Ward 4, Unit 19, in Emokpae Model Primary School, Oredo LGA.

The governor arrived at his polling unit at about 1:48 pm and voted at exactly 1.51pm.

Addressing journalists after casting his vote, Obaseki said he was impressed with the turnout of voters across the State, noting, “The turnout was very impressive in spite of the rain. There was quite a considerable turnout and it showed interest in the local government election. This means that the political parties did well by going round, sensitizing and mobilizing the electorates and the people.”

He added: “The process has been smooth and peaceful as a lot of people are still hanging around to see the end and conclusion of voting. I am very impressed by what has happened as the organization by EDSIEC has gone fairly well. You have so many people still here at almost the closing of the poll, which shows that we have a fairly decent turnout.

“I have been getting updates from across the State and this seems to be the trend all over. I have not received any report of violence yet and pray everything goes smoothly.”

He added, “I believe that the popular candidates will win as you can see the presence of voters and agents around. I think people will accept the outcome of the results when they are ready. I’m sure voting time will be extended instead of allowing voting to end at 2:30 pm. I’m sure they will extend and allow citizens and voters to exercise their franchise.

“I expect that you will find some opposition here but I know the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) went all out to mobilize for this election and I don’t know of other political parties,” he noted.

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