p>By Ed Malik, A | December 29, 2022

Embattled Benjamin Netanyahu, a former Prime Minister (PM), whose tenure was abruptly truncated in a swirl of bitter politics was again sworn in as Israel’s next Prime Minister Thursday, marking the start of his sixth term in the position.
Netanyahu, a military veteran, is the longest serving prime minister in the country’s history, with non-consecutive terms.
Many nations including Unites States Ambassador to Israel Tom Nides have issued their congratulations, with message of hope and improved relations with their countries.
Ambassador Nides, in his verified Twitter handle said, “Congratulations to Benjamin @Netanyahu as he is sworn in as the 34th @IsraeliPM. Here’s to the rock solid U.S.-Israel relationship and unbreakable ties.”

During a press briefing at the U.S. State Department last week, Secretary of State Antony Blinken also congratulated Netanyahu on the formation of the new government.
“First I want to extend congratulations to Prime Minister Netanyahu on announcing the formation of a new government. The Knesset still has to approve it, as you know, before it can be formally sworn in. But we look forward to working with Israel to advance both the interests and the values that have been – long been at the heart of our relationship, and also to promoting a broader approach to try to bring equal measures of security, of opportunity, of prosperity, of dignity to Israelis and Palestinians alike,” Blinken said.
“I think we’ve demonstrated over successive Israeli governments and over successive American administrations, precisely because we have a rock-solid partnership and one that is committed to Israel’s security, that we can have very candid conversations when we disagree. That’s not going to change, either.”

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